Saturday, July 7, 2007

Zacchaeus and the others...

Last night at my Bible Study group, all of the children that were there (which all happened to be girls) ended up singing all kinds of "church" songs. It was really cute and lots of fun. It brought back all kinds of memories for me. Do you have a favorite kid's church song from back in the day that you secretly still love? I have are a few:

1. I Have the Joy Joy Joy Joy Down in my Heart! (It's funny though, I was thought it said that I had it on TUESDAY...instead of TO STAY! Huh, I wonder why I figured it was just on Tuesday's? Weird!)

2. Roll the Gospel Chariot Along (Anyone know that one?? I particularly liked the part that said, "...and if the devil's in the way, we will ROLL RIGHT OVER HIM!" I really got into that part!)

3. God Told Noah to Build Him and Ark-y Ark-y....Build it out of Gopher Bark-y Bark-y!

4. Zacchaeus Was a Wee Little Man and a Wee Little Man was HE!

5. I Don't Wanna Be a Pharisee....Cuz Pharisee's Are Never Fair, Ya See! I Don't Wanna Be a Sadducee, Cuz Sadducees Are Always Sad Ya See!


Amy said...

Yes, it was a blast last night, wasn't it?!?

I always loved and still love Amazing Grace. My mom bought me a bookmark with the lyrics of that song when I was in 3rd grade. I loved them. I don't know the first time I heard it sung after that, but the lyrics were wonderful and meaningful, even at that young age.

As for "children's church" songs, I'd have to say that my favorite is The B-I-B-L-E. That's the book for me. I stand alone on the world of God. The B-I-B-L-E.

Carlotta said...

Well, that is very fitting, huh, Bible Girl!

Anonymous said...

I grew up with "Jesus Loves Me." I used to sing it to my pet dinosaur, and that song put us both to sleep.