Tuesday, August 7, 2007

What I HATE!

I hate strep throat. I really try to not use the word HATE, it’s just one of those words that conjures up nothing but BAD feelings. But, the truth of it is, I HATE HATE HATE strep throat. It grabbed onto my little one and really put her through the ringer. If anyone knows anything about me, they know I have an incredibly tough time when my little one isn’t feeling well. My heart just breaks when she is in pain or is distressed or has to endure both at once.

The good news about strep throat is that once antibiotics are administered, within a few days there is light at the end of the tunnel. It does not last forever, although I was starting to wonder there for a moment or two.

Today my baby doll is better. She is her silly little self again. Thank God it had been SO long between her being sick this time. He has been so good to us. So even though I HATE strep throat, it did make me truly appreciate the good times--the WELL times. I just can’t tell you the relief this mother feels when her punkin is back to singing and dancing and chasing the cat around the house like a wild woman! Ahhh, she’s back!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From my seat "up in the front row,"
I was able to see which of you was affected the most severely by Gracyn's illness, it was you, by a long shot. This lesson should not be lost on us. When we are set upon by the destroyer, and
are in anguish and pain, God, our Father, and Christ, our Redeemer, suffers even more than we do.