Friday, December 28, 2007

1970's "Throwback"!

The world's ugliest carpet... I know, it's hard to believe that this was ever carpet that was considered "high-end", but I am told it was. Quite obviously it originated in the 1970's. But PRAISE THE LORD it has gone away, FAR FAR away!
(Not the highest quality photos, they were taken with my phone, but you get the idea...)

Out with the old (and I do mean OLD...) and in with the new. Here is the new carpet. I know it may not seem like that big of a deal to anyone else on the planet to get new carpet. But it is for me...and maybe from the illustrations here, you can somewhat see why. I am thankful today for carpet. Silly, I'm sure, but nevertheless, I am thankful for it.

Woo hoo, 70's carpet, NO MORE! Na na na na na na, Hey hey, Goooodbye!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

It's Christmas Baby, Please Come Home

This has LONG been a Christmas favorite of mine. It is from back in the 80's when I saw it on a video tv show called Top of the Pops (I don't know if anyone else on the planet remembers that other than me...It was hosted by Nia Peebles, don't know if anyone else remembers her either!) Since it was U2 I immediately loved it...still do. It's a blast from my past that I thought I'd share.
Merry Christmas.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Who Lives in Your Head?

I got this today, thought I'd pass it on. It is a universal issue.

This was seen on a sign posted at a church:"Keeping resentment is letting someone you despise live in your head."
Let go of the resentment, because it only controls you. Being controlled by resentment will never make you happier, more fulfilled, healthier or more successful. Your only solution is to forgive, wholeheartedly, the person who has offended, however great the transgression and however evil you might think that person is.

Friday, December 7, 2007

No One Likes a Know-It-All

"Why you gotta act like you know when you don't know?"

That is a verse from a song that I've heard a couple of times. Every time I've heard it or think about it, it makes me laugh. Haven't you ever thought that about someone? "Dude, why you gotta act like you know when you don't know?!?!" Or have you perhaps even thought that about yourself?

I'll be honest, I used to have a problem with "not knowing" things. And I might even allow you to assume that I knew something that I knew nothing about, just so you wouldn't think I was stupid. That's the truth. I was that way, but I'm not anymore. Haven't been that way for MANY years now. It's too hard anyhow.

There are a ton of things that I am absolutely ignorant about and I know it and I'll tell anyone that needs to know. What I do know, I know well. What I don't know, I don't know!!! I realize now that it doesn't make me stupid. There are lots of things I don't know about. There lots of things I have no interest in knowing about. And that's perfectly OK. Thank you God, for the things that I do know about. I know about you and your love for me. I know about faith, hope, and love. I know about family. I know about forgiveness. I know about friends. I know about Christ and his death and resurrection. I know about salvation and true LIFE. I know about loss and perseverance. I know about disappointment and redemption. I know about many things that matter. I don't know everything on those matters. But learning more everyday is what it's about. If I don't know something, I'll tell you that I don't, but I will also go find out! Unless it is about quantum physics, then you can go ask someone else, because not only will I not know...I probably won't care either. Just being honest.

So why you gotta act like you know when you don't know? I am going to start humming that song to myself when someone is doing that and it is obvious. That will make me smile and probably giggle a little or a lot. In fact, I am humming it now. Maybe if you've heard it, you'll understand why it makes me giggle. It just is one of those things that is so true and such a reality that it is humorous.

Soooooo, why you gotta act like you know when you don't know?!?!?!?!?!?