Monday, December 17, 2007

Who Lives in Your Head?

I got this today, thought I'd pass it on. It is a universal issue.

This was seen on a sign posted at a church:"Keeping resentment is letting someone you despise live in your head."
Let go of the resentment, because it only controls you. Being controlled by resentment will never make you happier, more fulfilled, healthier or more successful. Your only solution is to forgive, wholeheartedly, the person who has offended, however great the transgression and however evil you might think that person is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As an "old guy," I know the danger created by high blood pressure, and one of the major causes of high blood pressure is anxiety, which is almost always seated in the brain. So, why would an intelligent person allow someone they dispise free reign in their brain, especially for very long? Maybe they have a very boring life, maybe it's fun for them, I can't imagine. Thanks for puting the reminder out there for us. Maybe we will rid our brains of this "stuff" today, and give ourselves a great Christmas gift, just in time to enjoy the season.