Wednesday, January 2, 2008

My Love Affair

The written word. It seems that most people either love it or hate it. As a means of communication, I use it often. I do not use it to avoid dealing with people face to face, which tends to be the problem most people have with it. The second issue people have with it is interpretation issues. On that point, I am glad to discuss in person with anyone, anything I have written and clarify any points of ambiguity.

I figure if the written word was sufficient enough for God to use in order to share His Word with us for generations, it is good enough for me too. So if I have ever opted to communicate with you personally through written word or to a broader audience through blogs, it is not in an effort to not have to deal with you face to face. I choose it more so when the topic is of high importance to me and I don't want to leave anything out or stumble over my thoughts or words. It helps me to be thorough and work through the points I need to highlight or emphasize without losing my focus. You see, I am fully aware of how easy it can be for me to get sidetracked or lose my train of thought.

Writing is also therapeutic for me. I write to people. I journal. And I write blogs. I write and I share lessons I am learning, need to learn, or have already learned. I share things that I struggle with and things that fill my life with joy. I write sometimes to simply get things out of my head that I can't seem to release. I write to praise my God. I write to ease my heart. I write to share my life. I write to invite you into my world. I write for my sanity. You may or may not like what I write at any given time and that's perfectly alright. What I write may reflect your life or it may only reflect mine. It may step on your toes. It may have nothing to do with you and not hold your interest at all. It may hit the target, it may totally miss. Its interpretation will certainly be affected by the life and mind of the reader at the time of the reading. In fact that's part of the impact, interpretation can reflect more on the life and thought processes going on in the reader than in the writer.

It is interesting. Writing has so many facets both in the act/art of writing and in the reading/interpretation of the reader. I have a love affair with the written word; writing and reading. I love them both. I am so thankful that God chose to give me His thoughts, ideals, insight, commands, love, hope and promises through the written word. I can always go back, study it, read and reread it. It is always there. If I forget something, if I simply want to be reminded, writing is a wonderful medium.

Thank you God for the written word. I find You in it everyday in many many ways.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said!