Tuesday, January 29, 2008

What's that sound?


So thankful for my dad. He's ALWAYS there if I need him. Always. No question. He again rescued me from the clutches of a flat tire. The second one in the past 5 months.

And for someone who bugged me about tires for quite a while...if you are reading...I am getting a new set TODAY, after work. All four tires. Good to go--until I determine what I am going to do in regards to my car when my lease is up. So I am all set.

Thanks dad. There are a handful of people I know I can ALWAYS count on no matter what it is or where it is or how ridiculously WINDY it is...and you are at the TOP of that list. I am so blessed.


Amy said...

You defenitely are blessed to have such a great dad! I'm glad you realize it.

Jeff said...

Thank God for JC...both of them :)

Anonymous said...

You are ALWAYS welcome. I LOVE YOU.