Friday, February 29, 2008

In His Face

I love this. Hadn't seen it in a while. If you've seen it before: enjoy! If you have not, look at his face closely, you will see the drawing is made of many scenes in Jesus' life. Great picture.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Tears Are Beautiful

Tears are far more beautiful than most things that you have within you, because tears come from the overflow of your being. Tears are not necessarily only of sadness; sometimes they come out of great joy and sometimes they come out of great peace and sometimes they come out of great ecstasy and love. In fact they have little to do with general sadness or happiness really. Anything that stirs your heart too much, anything that takes possession of you, anything that is so BIG, that you cannot contain and it begins overflowing — that brings tears. I hurt for those who simply cannot or refuse to let them flow. It is not strength that holds back tears, but weakness. Tears are the overflow of our being when we are stirred beyond our ability to contain it. It is an expression of being very much alive and able to feel a myriad of human stirrings.

Can't Sleep With Who You Want...

...I've got the next best thing! I really do!

Not all of us are blessed with the opportunity to sleep with who we want. I certainly can't. For me, I am single and am not going to be sleeping with any man until I am married. But I do miss snuggling up at night with someone I love. I really do. But I have found the NEXT best thing. In fact, if I were in marketing tag line would be: "If you can't sleep with who you want, THIS is the absolute next best thing!!!" Omigosh!

I am SO in LOVE!!!!!! I bought a body pillow from Costco not too long ago. I've owned many body pillows over the years. Many. Never found one that was all that great. But this one makes me swoon! It is really fluffy, and is covered in this stuff that is so soft it would make a baby's butt jealous. It is covered in what some of those INCREDIBLY, AMAZINGLY, UNEXPLAINABLY, soft stuffed animals and blankets are made out of these days. The ONLY place I've seen these pillows are at Costco. I would buy one for everyone that I know if I could afford it. They are simply amazing.

My (future) husband is going to have some serious competition! Well, not really, but until then I've got this snuggling thing covered. ; )

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Word for the day...

Concise- brief but comprehensive; clear and succint

Wouldn't it be nice if I were more....concise? I wish I were. I will work on it.
How's that?

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Friday, February 8, 2008

Smile Today!

"The robbed that smiles, steals something from the thief." William Shakespeare, Othello

WOW, I like that a lot. I am going to steal something from the Thief. Satan has been on my case heavily since yesterday. I think I'll turn the tables. I am smiling and smiling BIG. I am SO blessed and I have a million reasons to smile. Great line, William. Great line!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Ode to Casper

When I was really little, I was a big fan of Casper. I just loved him. He was so incredibly sweet and I never understood why everyone else was so scared of him. And hey, if you are going to have a ghost... "haunting" you, who better than Casper, the friendly ghost.

I still love Casper. I even had a pet named Casper not too long ago. I was reminded yesterday of Casper, the friendly ghost, and I realized that even now after all of the time that has passed since I initially fell in love with him...that I still love the guy. Some things dissipate over time, some things don't. Casper, my little friendly ghost...I still love you. It is a child-like, pure love. Those are the best ones. They stick.

It's ok if some of my readers don't understand my love affair with Casper... some people don't get it. On the surface... it may seem silly, it may seem odd, but I know someone out there understands what I am saying and that's what matters. ; )

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Little Scooter Mama

She finally realized that you have to hold your tongue "just right" then the scooter-thing is a breeze!

My Girl

Have I ever told you guys that I LOVE THIS KID?!?!

She's a nut. We were outside playing and exploring in the front yard together today. I was taking pictures and playing around with her. She was really focused on playing in the flower bed outside of the bedroom window and I couldn't get her to smile at the camera for anything. I was saying all kinds of things to get her to look at me and smile. No luck. I eventually said, "Gracyn, can you show mommy your teeth," thinking she would smile a big toothy grin. Instead, I got this. I loved it! She never does what you think she will do. But I like that about her. She's pretty "out of the box" most of the time. How else would I get such a silly pic?

Too cute!