Thursday, March 27, 2008

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Words of Wisdom

"Never let your head hang down. Never give up and sit down and grieve. Find another way. And don't pray when it rains if you don't pray when the sun shines."
-Satchel Paige

Monday, March 17, 2008

Blinded By the Shampoo??

Jeanette Strong writes...

When my son was a toddler, washing his hair was always a problem. He would sit in the bathtub while I put shampoo on his hair. Then, when I poured on the water to make a lather, he would tip his head down so that the shampoo ran into his eyes, causing pain and tears. I explained that if he just looked straight up at me, he could avoid getting the shampoo in his face. He would agree; then, as soon as I started to rinse his hair, his fear would overcome his trust, and he would look down again. Naturally the shampoo would run into his face again, and there would be more tears. During one of our sessions, while I was trying to convince him to lift up his head and trust me, I suddenly realized how this situation was like my relationship to God. I know God is my Father, and I'm sure He loves me. I believe that I trust Him, but sometimes, in a difficult situation, I panic and turn my eyes away from Him. This never solves the problem; I just become more afraid, as the "shampoo" blinds me. Even though my son knew I loved him, he had a hard time trusting me in a panicky situation. I knew I could protect him, but convincing him of that wasn't easy, especially when all he could see was water coming down. His lack of trust hurt me, but it hurt him more. He was the one who had to suffer the pain. I'm sure my lack of trust hurts God very much, but how much more does it hurt me? Often in the Bible, we are told to lift up our head to God when problems come. He knows how to protect us if we remember to listen to Him. Now, when I find myself in a situation where it would be easy to panic, I picture my son sitting in the bathtub, looking up at me, learning to trust me. Then I ask God what I should do. Sometimes the answer may seem scary, but, one thing I'm sure of--He'll never pour shampoo in my face!

Trying vs Trusting

When I try I fail. When I trust I succeed.

Trust. That can be such a foreign concept in a world full of people and circumstances that constantly and consistently let us down. The quote above has proved SO true in my life. When I try, I fail. When I take life by the horns and do my best to wrestle with it and get it to go MY way, I fail miserably every single time. But when I stop insisting on being in control and when I relax my fingers and unclench my hands and release the reins, God is then able to take over. Take control. Take my life where HE wants it to go. Trust is hard. Trust is foreign. Trust is really a bold step.

But I know this: When I try I fail; when I trust I succeed.

What more do I really need to understand. His way. His wisdom. His plan. His timing. His glory!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Did I lose weight or what?

Well here it is. The update. I didn't have time for my nails or my massage. But I will have my nails done next week and the massage soon...I have a gift certificate for one that I need to use SOON. But the hair is DONE.

Here is a pic during process: (Scary, I know...I showed it to Gracyn and she said, "Oooh monster mommy." That pretty much says it all huh?)

Here is the after picture on the drive home...three inches cut off and highlights... It's funny how cutting off three inches can feel like 30 lbs came off of your head. I feel so light!

Monday, March 10, 2008


I am so excited! I am getting my hair done tomorrow. Why is that exiting? Well, I haven't had a professional do my hair since just after my daughter was born. Let's see, I had it done November of 2005. Yep, you read that right. Since then I have done it myself. And it looks OK, I suppose, but I miss having it done "right!"

So tomorrow morning I have an appointment with the lady who used to do it for many years. I am so pumped about it! I've cut corners for so long to save here and there financially on things... that now I feel like I am "indulging" myself to go and have someone else do my hair. Funny how life causes perspectives to change during different seasons of our lives!

I am also going to get my nails done...and maybe a massage! So pumped! Sometimes it's nice to just get a little pampered.

Hope you all have a good week.