Monday, March 17, 2008

Trying vs Trusting

When I try I fail. When I trust I succeed.

Trust. That can be such a foreign concept in a world full of people and circumstances that constantly and consistently let us down. The quote above has proved SO true in my life. When I try, I fail. When I take life by the horns and do my best to wrestle with it and get it to go MY way, I fail miserably every single time. But when I stop insisting on being in control and when I relax my fingers and unclench my hands and release the reins, God is then able to take over. Take control. Take my life where HE wants it to go. Trust is hard. Trust is foreign. Trust is really a bold step.

But I know this: When I try I fail; when I trust I succeed.

What more do I really need to understand. His way. His wisdom. His plan. His timing. His glory!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Trusting Him is ALWAYS directly tied to the one thing that stopped Jesus in His tracks, FAITH. We are limited in our trust by only on thing, FAITH. We must always try, and our trying will always be enhanced by our trusting, which in turn, must be rooted in FAITH. Two quotes provide great insight, "Oh you of little FAITH," and "Your FAITH has healed you."