Makes me giggle every time I see it! Truly, I don't recall what she was doing when this picture was taken; clearly she had other things going on other than looking at the camera and smiling. But hey, if she was caught up on a moment of prayer and worship, who am I to disrupt?! LOL
It certainly LOOKS like she was being moved!! Love it!!! :)
Probably asking for forgiveness for hitting Conner, again. Precious!
Are you kidding man?? That girl loves Conner!!
What's love got to do with hitting, it's a sport and fun to her?
Oh come on now, she's not doing that at school these days. And doing it less at home too. Swift and consistent discipline...it is working. Slowly, but surely.
She'll have to find another sport...like, golf!
But this pic looks like praise and worship to me...
Too cute!
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