Thursday, November 27, 2008

Texas Sunset

These are meant to be shared with someone special! ;)

Lil' Cutie

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Where the Wind Blows Us...

Here are a few pics from an adventurous afternoon with my kiddo. I love spending time with her without a plan in place; just going where the wind blows us. I took a TON of pics, but I thought these were pretty cool. There are lots more I'd like to post, if I ever have enough time.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Flutter By

Isn't there a point where the butterflies aren't around because it is too cold? I keep thinking they should be gone and they just keep popping up. Maybe once the cold gets to the flowers they like so much, I won't be seeing them so often. I sure have enjoyed them this year. I think they are just beautiful.

Art Synergy

My daughter and I made this. We created it together. We used finger paints, lots of fingers, and some paint brushes. It was fun and the end result looks pretty cool to me. We make a good team.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My Bud Fascination Lives On

A Princess Indeed

Once upon a time, there was a little girl who changed the story from a tragedy to a fairy tale. And her name was: Gracyn.

Thankful Giving

Remember the gorgeous chocolate truffles (that looked like pumpkins) that I posted a pic of last month? We used them as thank-you gifts for the most recent event I worked on for the ministry I work with. We found the perfect packaging to create a beautiful presentation for the gift: Chocolate brown linen patterned boxes just the right size for the truffle, fiery orange ribbon printed with the event name and theme and a beautiful thank you card that attached underneath. They turned out for beautifully with our theme and the decor of the event. And we got it all for AMAZING prices! Woo hoo!

Beyond all of the aesthetics (which were pretty great, I must admit) the event was a huge success. The whole point of it was being thankful and spreading that by giving to others. Our married couples completely blew me away with their generosity. It was such a blessing to me to be a part of this event. I am so blessed to be able to witness how incredible the people at Fellowship Church truly are. Cheerful givers indeed. Thank you God.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


What is it about sun rays coming through clouds that makes me think of God?? It happens every time.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Egret, Heron, Crane... Anyone?

Anyone know what this big ol' bird is exactly?

More Randomness

Melatonin. On occasion, I take it so I can get to sleep at night without feeling drugged in the morning. I think too much and sometimes at night I cannot get my brain to shut up. I have this tiny little jar that a necklace pendant came in that was a symbol for friend (thus the label on the jar.) I actually have several little jars from other pendants made by the same company. At some point I thought that this little jar was the perfect size for the melatonin, so that I could keep it near my bed. I never realized which jar with which label I had put them in until the other day, when I was VERY randomly taking pictures around the house. I took this pic just fooling around with angles, lighting etc...when I downloaded it and actually really looked at it, it made me laugh. How many people truly would call their "pills" (whatever they may be), their "friend"?! Sad but true. Made for an interest pic, I think, despite how truly randomly it was birthed.

Mr. Mallard