Saturday, April 18, 2009

Focused yet SO zoned out...

I love this picture. This is my little angel. And this is how she looks when she is totally engrossed in something she is looking at...especially if she is a bit tired. You can talk to her in this state and she will not hear a single word. It takes all of her energy to remain focused on whatever it is capturing her attention without succumbing to the call of the sandman. This look is shortly followed by an abrupt "passing out" of sorts. I love this face. One, because it is such a precious little face, and two, because it means sleep is near!


Proud Pawpaw said...

Our little "energizer bunny," only two speeds, on & off. When it's on, it's full bore, when off, sound asleep, nothing in between, but ALWAYS precious.

Jeff said...

No doubt about it. She DOES have only two speeds :) And you are so right...when she is in her zone, she doesn't hear a word that anyone else is saying to her. Love the picture.

LizardChick said...


LizardChick said...