Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Because Amy Tagged Me...

A--Available, Married or Single: Available

B--Best friend: Heavenly: God, Earthly: Dad

C--Cake or Pie: Red Velvet Cake from the Red Oven

D--Drink of Choice: Water

E--Essential item you use everyday: My Brain

F--Favorite Color: Pink

G--Gummy bears or worms: Bears

H--Hometown: Arlington, TX

I—Indulgence: Anything for Gracyn

J--January or February: February, it is closer to Spring.

K--Kids and names: Gracyn

L--Life is incomplete without: Love and Joy

M--Marriage Date: The past is in the past, the future is in God's Hands

N--Number of siblings: 1-Donna

O--Oranges or apples: Gala Apples

P--Phobias or fears: Claustrophobia, Spiders and Wasps

Q—Quote, your favorite: "Character is always doing the right thing even when no one else will know."

R--Reason to smile: God loves me deeply even though He truly KNOWS me..

S--Season: Spring

T--Tag 3 people: Joy, CeCe, and Angie

U--Unknown fact about me: I'm really 6 ft tall (on the inside).

V--Vegetable you don't like: Cabbage

W--Worst habit: Popping my neck

X--X-rays: Teeth, Back, Neck

Y--Your fave food: STEAK

Z--Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

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