Thursday, March 22, 2007

10 Great Traits of a Great Christian Boyfriend

(by L. Wilson)

1. He is devoted to the Lord. He views things from the Lord’s perspective and for His purpose. He puts the Lord first with you following as a close second. He is devoted to his Christian walk and is generous with his time, talents and other gifts.

2. He is faithful to his obligations. This shows what level he will probably be committed to your relationship. He doesn't cop out of commitments he has made to others.

3. He is willing to let go of something. For example, he will forgo an activity if a conflict of schedules comes about and compromises to work through a situation. Of course, if you are a great Christian girlfriend, you'll practically have an argument with him over who sacrifices because you will also be willing to sacrifice your plans if a conflict of schedules enters the pictures.

4. He is considerate of other people in addition to you. He is protective of small children and has an affection for puppies (technically, it could be cats or rabbits or other small animals, but you get the idea). He lets his mother kiss him on the cheek without complaining.

5. He is loyal to his family/friends and to you. He keeps his word and remembers birthdays, anniversaries and to get gifts at Christmas. He takes your side, even if you happen to be wrong.

6. He respects his parents, elders and you. He doesn't roll his eyes when his grandfather has something to say. He does not interrupt or talk over you.

7. He is involved in ministries, reaching the unsaved and helping others in the body of Christ. He participates in Bible classes. The church is an important part of his life and not just a building where he shows up on Sunday morning.

8. He prays and recognizes its power. He spends personal time with the Lord in prayer. He prays with you. Prayer is his first thought when a crisis happens--not something he has to be talked into.

9. He sees the advantages of working together as a couple. Yet allows for plenty of grace in those times there needs to be space to reflect.

10. He honors God by taking care of his body. His diet does not leave him a ticking-time-bomb of heart-attack potential and he makes an effort to exercise. Not only is this something that will keep physical attraction alive over the years, but should you marry and have children, he will be less likely to leave them fatherless because of an untimely death.

Bottom line: He is loving, complimenting, sincere, committed, caring, respectable, honest, trustworthy (yes, they go together). Because of our humanness, none of us is perfect. However those qualities that you see exhibited in his life now, reveal the ways he handles circumstances that will arise at a later date or if you should both decide that your relationship is serious and leads to marriage. You should compliment each other, as you learn of the other's strengths and weaknesses.

For further guidance see: I Corinthians 13; Ephesians 5:22-33; 1 Timothy 3.


Anonymous said...

L. Wilson is "on the mark" with this top ten, but notice what's missing, like cool, handsome, smart, wealthy, hot, and all the other criteria most women put before this top ten (not bottom ten). In my 62 years, I'v only known a few Godly men (I don't need all the fingers on both hands to count them), but if I were a woman, I'd rather be single than share my life with anyone less. And here's my best advice, if he's not a Godly man, don't try to change him, you won't!

Anonymous said...

This article was originally published at

Carlotta said...

Thanks for that. I initially got that via email I believe, nice to know where it originated.