Thursday, May 10, 2007

A Mother's Day Note
Dear Mothers,

In today's world, it is difficult to recognize that there actually are roses much less allowing yourself the time to stop and "smell them." We seem to go from one day to the next digging the rut of our lives a little deeper each day. Living for the next moment our head can lay on our pillows to rest from the day we have just survived.

In a world such as this, it's hard to reconcile that we are special. Women are made in such a unique way by God for His special purposes in our lives. It's easy to forget that, or tragically, never discover it in the restless world we live.

On this Mother's Day, think of the blessings God has delivered in your life. You have been fearfully and wonderfully made by the Creator's hand. He knows everything about you and loves you so much. Know today how special and beautiful you are to Him. And rest in the solitude of His whisper in your heart - A Mother's heart that overflows with love.

(Lovingly borrowed from

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A VERY long time ago, I discovered the importance of slowing down, at some time each day, to a speed that allows for the smelling of roses, or the holding of a baby, or simply being still (mind and body) and knowing that He is God. If people fail to do that, something's got to give, and it will, sooner than later.