Wednesday, July 25, 2007


A few tidbits that I learned while in Miami on the High School Student mission trip:

1. Teenage girls are hilarious.

2. Teenage girls can be brutual and heartless to their friends.

3. Teenage girls can be fiercely loyal and nurturing to those same friends.

4. Teenage girls could not communicate without the word "like".

5. Teenage girls are shallow.

6. Teenage girls are deep.

7. I miss being a teenage girl.

8. But I'd never want to be one again.


Kimberly said...


Anonymous said...

What I always enjoyed about teenagers was just when I had begun to understand how things REALLY worked in this world, up popped teens who counted me as "LAME AS LAME COULD POSSIBLY BE." But despite that, I taught them about my Lord for over 20 years. God loves them, and so do I.