Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Amazing Camp

I went out to my church's new camp (currently under construction) today. It was awesome. It is amazing what they are doing with it. It should really prove to be a place where kids and adults alike can come out, be in God's creation with one another and grow closer to God. I pray for all of the souls that will walk its path and that they may come to know and accept Christ there if they haven't already. What a beautiful place and what a blessing for me to get to go out there and see it in its early stages. I can't wait to head out there once it is ready to roll. Simply an amazing place!! What a great day!


Amy said...

I notice you are one of the only ones in the picture not eating something. Intentional? Working to lose more weight? My goal was to be as skinny as you're getting skinnier. How am I supposed to ever catch up?!? :o)

Anonymous said...

Great place, great people, a great work in God's name.

Carlotta said...

Amy, I had a blizzard as well, I had just sat it down and you can't see it from the pic. Not trying to lose any more weight, just needing to get in better shape now! Gotta get working on the muscles at this point. Hmmm, where am I going to find the time for that one??? Less sleep maybe?

Amy said...

If I can find the time to go to the gym, so can you.

Carlotta said...

Consistently, I cannot find/make that time, without sacraficing more time away from the kiddo. And without consistency in working out, there is no real progress. I know this from experience. Plus, I certainly don't have the $$ for a gym at this point in my life either. SO, I just try to use that open time with my kiddo to be outdoors doing something/anything physical with her.
Yesterday we ran around in the front yard with big huge bubble wands. We had so much fun. And I've been trying to take her to the little lake by my house and hike over to the park, play on the playground(me too) and feed the ducks and hike back. It gives me a little exercise and helps to wear her energetic little self out too, so that she will stop keeping her dear mommy up at night! LOL.
I am so proud of you and your weight loss Amy!!! Even more proud of your committment to the gym. Commendable indeed!

Anonymous said...

That CAMP looks incredible! Let's focus on the work God is doing there.

The discussion on weight loss or rather on being skinny and building muscle reminds me of what I've been trying to teach my own child. It's much more important for them to build their spiritual core than their outward appearance. If we focus too much on our outward, our spiritual core suffers.

God created as so uniquely. It's sad to see people focusing on how God created someone else and not appreciating what he's done with their own body and life. We will never be as skinny or as pretty as the next person because we can only be as much us as God created us to be.

Focus on your spiritual core and the things that God has placed in your life that are more important to you. Sometimes spending quality time with our children is much more important than a gym membership. Everything else will follow and God will take care of us if we focus on Him and not our wants. After all, these bodies we have today are only temporary and we will have new bodies once we are home.

Carlotta said...

Great point "anonymous". And I agree with you that the point of this post was the camp and the amazing things that I know God has planned for it. It is incredibly exciting! I can't wait to see and hear what God will do in the lives of those who have the blessed opportunity to go there.

On your other point, I agree that we should not be comparing and focusing on skinny, muscles, etc...HOWEVER, I do know that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and we do need to take much better care of them than we actually do and treat them with care and attention so that they can be BEST used by Him. It's easy to say don't focus on such things and then trash our bodies and not take care of the vessel that He placed us in under the notion of I don't want to focus on skinny, fat, etc... There is a healthy balance in there, in which it is NOT our obession or primary focus, but also that we care enough and are aware enough that our bodies are important blessings and that we all should take MUCH better care of them than we do in order to serve Him to our fullest abilities. Our bodies belong to Him too, and we should trat them as HIS.