Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Gettin' Outta Dodge!

Two days OFF this week! I am so excited. I've been working like a mad woman for several weeks and I need a break. Unfortunately, one of the days off will not be a day of fun...I will be having a wisdom tooth extracted. What fun! But the following day I will be off again heading out of town to take my little one on a fun-filled excursion for her birthday. (Shhh, don't tell her!) It will be a big deal and lots of fun for her plus a much needed day off and weekend out-of-town for her mommy! I need an escape...and it came just in the nick of time.
Blessings just seem to work like that. It seems that when life gets to be too much between work, family, relationships, finances, wisdom teeth, etc... up pops a load-lifter. A blessing. A 4-day weekend. A little time away with a silly little, curly headed angel. And I really need it, with all that has been on my plate and on my mind. I need a little dose of "vacation" even if it is just for a few days.

Thank you God, for "Time Off."


Amy said...

Have a blast!

Anonymous said...

You NEED to sloooow down just a bit. Enjoy!