Sunday, September 9, 2007

Mufasa Spoke to My Soul

"You are more than what you have become."

Disney movies...for kids? Yeah, probably. Remotely close to reality? Nope. If you are expecting or hoping your life will turn out like a Disney movie...get ready to be disappointed your whole life. There is no perfect princess or prince charming that will live happily ever after. Don't delude yourself. But the great thing is we can find love and joy with others, if we know it takes work, effort, prayer, and walking in faith. If we tune out the lies and deception of Satan who will attack us at every turn. But don't ever think it will be like Disney. Disney is fantasy...never reality.

I was watching the Lion King this weekend with my kiddo. And there was a line in it where the spirit of Mufasa tells Simba that he is more than what he has become...and I sat there screaming in my head that there is someone I want to say that to too. I want to scream it to them, but cannot. And then it hit me...stop focusing on that person. JUST STOP IT! Perhaps God is screaming that same sentiment at ME. "Carlotta, you are more than what you have become. You can be more and do more... for Me. You can be what I see in you. You can be the woman I designed you to be. But right are not. Stop focusing on who else needs to change. See that you do...and that you can only do so with Me...your Father, your God!!!"

So, I learned something from a cartoon Disney movie. While I see so much more inside of others than what they are living and what they see in is not for me to change them. It is not for me to knock sense into them. It is not for me to fix them. I can only change myself and I can only do that with the help of God through the Holy Spirit who lives within me! I am more than what I have become. I can change. If I want more boldness, God can help. If I seek more compassion, God can help. If I need more self-esteem, God can help. Whatever I need to do or change in order to become what He visions and what He planned, I CAN BECOME. I can never say, "This is just how God made me. If you don't like it, be mad at Him. He gives certain gifts to certain people, and I just didn't get that one...," that is BUNK! That is Satan's lie. God can give us what we need to become more and more like Him. If we just resign to "this is the way I am"...we are FOOLS.

I am more than what I have become. God help me to see that and to submit to You and trust in You to help me change!

Thanks Mufasa for the reminder of what my Father is trying to tell me too.


Anonymous said...

When I get to heaven, I'm gonna ask, and I'll bet I'm right, takers? I believe the woman who was healed by tocuching the hem of Jesus' garment had to work at it. I'll bet she had to try to figure out exactly where He might be going next and had to position herself just so to get the chance, only to be wrong, maybe several times. But I know she did not give up and say to herself, "it's not meant to be." I'll bet she had to push and shove to reach her goal. She got what she needed from Jesus because she persisted, and so will we IF we are willing to put forth the effort and not give up the when we fail or are denied. Tee it up, go for it, just do it, dance, don't sit it out and feel sorry for yourself.

Amy said...

That's one of my favorite movies ever. Good message.

Tabu said...

I don't believe in the whole God and Jesus thing, but I totally understand the messages in both TLK and TWL. Both movies are great and have good messages.