Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Spellbound by Jesus

I am spellbound by the intensity of Jesus' emotions: Not a twinge of pity, but heartbroken compassion; not a passing irritation, but terrifying anger; not a silent tear, but groans of anguish; not a weak smile, but ecstatic celebration. Jesus' emotions are like a mountain river cascading with clear water. My emotions are more like a muddy foam or a feeble trickle. -----G. Walter Hansenin, Christianity Today.

Well, as all of you guys know, my emotions are strong, intense, real, and born from my heart. I have almost become apologetic for them at various points in my life. I will not do that again. Jesus was an emotional man. He loved deeply, to the point of tears on many occasions. He rejoiced deeply. He burned with anger too. His compassion was so strong and so deep I can barely even comprehend it. I want to be like Him. And I never ever want to feel the need to apologize for being real or for feeling deeply, for my Lord and Savior gave me that example. We are not hard-wired to be unfeeling, cold, and without compassion. We get that way from outside sources: hard childhoods, bad relationships, being wronged, being hurt, withdrawing to protect ourselves. It is not hard-wired.

We would not be asked to be like Jesus if we were innately incapable of it. We will never be perfect. We will never be able to be exactly as He is. But we are to strive, to learn, to be active and purposeful in seeking any way and all ways to be like Him. If we simply resign ourselves to the statement "this is just the way I am, " or "this is just how God made me", we have lost sight of our example. It is the easy way out. It is simply saying that we just don't want to do the work, make the effort, stretch and grow, because it is uncomfortable, maybe even painful. But in the end we are the ones who lose out on so many of the wonderful blessings God has for us. We just harden ourselves so much that deep deep levels of connection with others become impossible. And those deep connections are some of the most beautiful, treasured, and cherished blessings God can bestow on us in this life. Don't miss out. Don't remain hardened.

Look to your Savior to guide you and to be your example. He is a man of deep deep emotion and sensitivity, but strong and bold as a lion too. Watch and learn. Open up your heart and allow Him to show you and and guide you to the blessings He has in store for your life. Hardening yourself to protect yourself from the painful blows of life will create a lonely existence. Softening your heart to reflect that of Christ will bring you boundless blessings. But we all have the option of choice. Our choice can make us or break us. But it is indeed your choice!


Amy said...

Love this.

Erin said...

very nicely said. TRUTH.

Anonymous said...

Change, it is sooooo difficult for us, yet growing in Christ is a MUST (not optional) for Christians. We, at any point in time, only bring to the table a "set" level of strength. Strength, that can be used to fight Satan in our daily lives, and strength that we can call upon to help others in their lives. This "set" level of strength is not really "set" unless we ALLOW it to be. In my counseling experience, I have heard soooo many people say they are limited, that this is just the way I am. Cop-out! Weak! Devoid of Christ! God, through the Holy Spirit, stands ready, willing, and ABLE to help us grow to become more like Christ, and we must allow Him to do just that. More, we must push ourselves toward that goal. I cannot remember a time when Jesus, seeing a need in someone, ever said, "I just can't deal with it." Here's another great guote about "dealing" with others needs, "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me." Either we can meet these challenges, through Christ, or not, which is it? Fearless, that's what we are CALLED by Christ to be ("fear not"), not because we have a "set" amount of power, but because we are not limited, in Him! Praise God!