Tuesday, October 2, 2007

I'm not THAT lonely!

I saw this over the weekend and laughed out loud. I had to get a picture. The good thing is that it did make me laugh... That's progress. But I also know that I have found Mr. Right. The only one that I need and the only one that is exactly RIGHT for me. We all know this, but sometimes we think that some human being is going to be able to sustain us as well and that is simply not true. God is all that we need. People are just a bonus! They are icing on the cake. They make this life a little sweeter, but alone, they are not enough for any of us. So, this scene made me laugh because I know that I am not going to sit around die waiting for Mr. Right. I know God has it covered. If he sends me an earthly love...I will be thankful, if He doesn't...I will be thankful. He's got it covered. So enjoy this pic...I did.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't die waiting, and don't settle
for something less than the one He has planned for you. Don't rush, be patient, be wise.