Saturday, February 16, 2008

Tears Are Beautiful

Tears are far more beautiful than most things that you have within you, because tears come from the overflow of your being. Tears are not necessarily only of sadness; sometimes they come out of great joy and sometimes they come out of great peace and sometimes they come out of great ecstasy and love. In fact they have little to do with general sadness or happiness really. Anything that stirs your heart too much, anything that takes possession of you, anything that is so BIG, that you cannot contain and it begins overflowing — that brings tears. I hurt for those who simply cannot or refuse to let them flow. It is not strength that holds back tears, but weakness. Tears are the overflow of our being when we are stirred beyond our ability to contain it. It is an expression of being very much alive and able to feel a myriad of human stirrings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Show me people unable or unwilling to shed tears, and I will show you people unlike Jesus. JESUS WEPT! I would NEVER be angry with people who do not shed tears, nor feel ill toward them, no, I would feel compassion, perhaps sadness for them, and perhaps I would shed a tear for them, and I would help them if I could. I pray I will ALWAYS have enough love and compassion in my heart to weep for joy and to weep in sadness, Jesus did.