Sunday, September 21, 2008


What do I see in this flower? Among all of the other flowers on the same plant, THIS one is different. It has some peculiarities. It is "supposed to be" all yellow, just like all of its companions. Yet, it is not. It has some interesting "discolorations". But that is why "she" captured my attention. I didn't photograph any of the other flowers on this plant. They had immediately become boring. THIS was the one. She wasn't the "perfect specimen". Quite to the contrary, she has some glaring "defects".

I think that it is great that when God made this little flower, He added a random splash of color onto her. It changed her completely. I imagine that to some (plant experts) she is quite flawed. She could never be entered into a contest, because she is not what she is supposed to look like. She is different than the others. But that is exactly what makes her so special.

Sometimes I feel "different" too. I feel like I do not fit in with the others. I am not the same. I don't fit into the mold. I am not comfortable even in their conversations. I am a misfit, even among my colleagues. There are some glaring differences from me and most others. This used to bother me greatly. It used to make me feel badly. I used to be concerned with why I never felt the same as most people. But these days, the things that others see as defects, imperfections, flaws and quirks are the things that I know God loves the most. Some are on the outside, many are internal. He put them there so that I would not be the same. He put them there so that I would stand apart, like this funky little flower.

You too have those funky little unique qualities. Please don't hide them. Please don't diminish them in order to blend in with the others. God gave them to you so that you too would stand out. Don't be just another flower on the shrub. Be the one that captures others to stop and notice what is different about you. They may just see what God intended them to see instead of just another one of those yellow flowers. They may see HIM and what He put inside of you to draw them in. That is the WHOLE point. Your uniqueness was designed to draw others in so that through you, they could see Him.

When I saw this flower, I immediately thought of God, for I knew HE had created her this way. His fingerprints were all over her and her uniqueness. I love this flower. She is me, and like you. Let your funky flower show. Stand out boldly among the droves of others who are all striving to be exactly like everyone else thus blending in and never truly being seen and never allowing Him to be seen in them. Be a funky flower.


Anonymous said...

I like that. I am a "different breed of cat" myself, as one of my bosses told me a few weeks ago. I would of taken that as an insult a few years ago, but I thought of it as a great compliment.

Amy said...

I think I needed to hear that one today, too.
Great pics lately, by the way. I don't always comment, but I love looking at your pictures. Seems to have become a new passion for you...isn't it wonderful?

Anonymous said...

You and Lance are right, God makes us "different." It is the world that demands "sameness," not God. The world does not like uniqueness, it likes conformity, consistency, predictability, uniformity. We have two very distinct choices, conform or NOT. I choose NOT. Jesus was NOT conformed to this world, and Paul tells us NOT to be either, so I won't. That beautiful flower in the picture says it all, correction, He asys it all through the flower. Among all the flowers, who got their picture taken? Nough said!

Carlotta said...


Yes, it's a bit of a new passion. I started doing this a little while back--on purpose. I was in a funk about something going on in my life. (Totally is usually the problem when I get in a funk.) But I decided to head out, regularly, with a mission to focus on something else, other than me and my "perceived" problems. Intentionally searching for God, His beauty, His creativity, His love...anything He wanted to show me. I have LOVED it. When I am out there amidst His creation looking outward, it is almost impossible to look inward. I like that feeling. And sharing what I discover has been fun too. It has become a very therapeutic passion. I am glad you have enjoyed the pics. Quite a compliment coming from one of my favorite photographers. ;)