Monday, September 1, 2008

What Is It?

What is it about flower buds that draw me in? I love them. Sometimes even more than the flowers that they eventually turn out to be. Perhaps it is the beautiful possibilities peaking out that intrigue me. I love them when they've just burst through their green little wrappers and their amazing color can be seen, yet there is still great mystery of what exactly will come forth. I suppose it is the fresh start to something beautiful; something that hasn't yet been seen, experienced, or tainted that captivates me. It is the beauty of purity opening itself into the world where so many possibilities await, both good and bad. We all start out this way. I wonder what beauty lies within each of us that will gradually burst forth. The thought excites me greatly.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, you must be in a state of analyzing God's creation(s) by communing with nature...or something. That is a great place to be! I have not visited that state of mind in a while...I miss it! I am all about people lately, what motivates them, what makes them tick, what makes them do the things they (and I) do. Enjoy it! It's pure and very enlightening, from what I remember!

Anonymous said...

A picture is worth a thousand words, BUT your words, along with the picture makes for even greater appreciation.

Carlotta said...

I have spent so much of my time in past months, in a blur--working like a wild woman and being the mother of a beautiful little tornado. I have for too long, neglected my love of nature and the connection I find with God in it. I allowed it to sadly fall by the wayside.
I found a way to not neglect my responsibilites as a mom or as an employee of an amazing church, but still take time to be one-on-one with God IN His creation. I have purposefully, during my lunch time found hidden (from my normal haunts, like Wendy's)spots in which to disconnect from the rush of life and to reconnect with God in simplicity and solitude. It has been an amazing blessing to me. It seems so simple and so obvious. But in todays culture and pace, it is rare. I am SO enjoying it and what peace and understanding it brings to my soul, not to mention the intimacy I gain with God in the process. I love it.
I found another little place today at lunch. Woo hoo! Pictures to come...