Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Seems like I am always running into 3 C's.
Well here is another set that I ran into today and I liked.

The Three C's of a Successful Relationship:

1. Commitment-The first key trait is Commitment. This is the foundation that undergirds every good relationship. Solomon says that "love is as strong as death" (Song of Solomon 8:6). Commitment is a serious thing because when we commit in marriage, we are also committing to a Holy God.

2. Communication-The second key trait is Communication. This is something that takes a lifetime of practice. But it has to be a serious pursuit, especially for men. In Song of Solomon 8:13, the Shulammite says, "Let me hear it (your voice)." Talking about what is happening in our life, both the big and small things, and truly sharing with our spouse adds strength to our relationship's foundation. And when communication breaks down, refer to #1.

3. Compassion-The final key trait is Compassion. We have to be sensitive to our spouses. Sometimes it is easy to take them for granted, to overlook their feelings, and to be nicer to others. Meeting each others needs, even during the difficult times, is a true act of compassion. And when being compassionate is difficult, refer to #1.

Based on what Solomon says your relationship can't go wrong if you concentrate on developing these three C's.
-Bob Hudson-

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You might want to include a 4th C.
Consistency. Not boring, rote, or routine, but a consistency that means you can always count on and depend on the other person. In relationships, we never want to find the other person emotionally or physically unavailable to us. We NEED willing and able.