Friday, November 9, 2007


I have a secret admirer. Only it's not secret. Well, yes it is, sort of. OK, that doesn't make any sense. Does it? I haven't had a secret/non-secret admirer in a long time. At least not that I was aware of, or maybe I wasn't aware of it because it was a secret. Argggh. This isn't making sense, is it? I have an...admirer. Maybe that's a better way of putting it. Only, I don't know who he is. Not because I don't know his name. I do know his name. I just don't know the person to whom the name belongs. But he evidently knows me. Isn't that odd? In fact, several people that I know, know this gentleman. But it never seems that any of us are all in the same place at the same time for them to point out who he is. Why doesn't this admirer just approach me? Shy? Perhaps. Maybe he's heard how MEAN I am in person. Muah ah ah. Seems a bit like child's-play, but nevertheless, maybe he really is just shy. That's alright. It's just nice to have a secret/ non-secret admirer. A girl's gotta like that, right? Well, as long as he's not one of those scary/crazy admirers. Although I am assured that he isn't. However, sadly, if one doesn't get past their shyness, we'll never know the potential or lack thereof. Because the shy-thing doesn't appeal much to me. Just one of my quirks, I guess. Many women LOVE the shy-guy-quality. Many are intrigued by it. I'm just not one of them. Sigh...

More to come?

Who knows...


Amy said...

He's not shy. He just can't get out from being locked under your bathroom sink. Those darn child locks! Poor Mr. Bubble. He's destined to stay locked in there until you decide to go on a hot, bubbly date with him. :o)

Carlotta said...

THAT'S funny! Ahhh, Mr. Bubble. I know him well. Although haven't spent any hot bubbly time with him in years! LOL.

Thanks for the laugh Amy.

As for the other admirer. I am curious, but also leary. I'm just wired that way... But it is flattering, you know? The good news is that trusted friends from church tell me that there should be no worries. They know him well.

I did enjoy my date tonight though. LOL. Mr. Bubble, gotta love him!!!

Anonymous said...

A shy man today, a bold man tomorrow, adding God and a godly woman. Who knows? Nothing ventured, nothing gained!