Thursday, November 29, 2007

Mended Relationship!

At one point this year, probably right around mid-summer, I had just about had it with a certain situation going on in my life and I almost just cut it out of my life completely. I was warned not to do it. In fact, someone close to me at the time, told me absolutely NOT to do it. But I was at my wit's end. I had a relationship that needed to end. We did not get along. We fought with one another almost daily. It was driving me crazy. It was too much work, took too much of my time and energy, and it didn't seem worth the hassle in any way. But, I try not to make hasty decisions. I try to weigh the pros and cons. I try to be able to see past the turmoil of the moment. So I waited. I allowed this relationship to continue. I made a tentative decision to wait and see what would transpire.

Over the past couple of weeks, I can honestly say that I am glad that I did. I made the right decision. Things now have completely turned around. It's amazing what can happen with a little time and a little patience. Plus with the heat of the summer not beating down on us and making us all the more agitated with one another, we've become close again. Finally. I am so glad I didn't cut the relationship short. It would have been a mistake.

I hope I don't come off the wrong way. Because when it comes to these kinds of things, I am usually pretty self-effacing. Even quite self-deprecating. But over the past couple of weeks, I can honestly say with joy and humility, not vanity or conceit, that I love my hair. I've had more good hair days over the past few weeks than I can remember over the past 10 years. I don't want to sound like I am bragging, I am not. I am thankful. I am surprised. I thought our relationship was done. I hated it, and it seemed to hate me. I was ready to hack it off. To sever ties. To end it. But I didn't and it's actually to my surprise, being kind. I don't know how long it will go on like this. In my experience, things that go well, really well, don't always stay that way for long. But for the time being, I really love my hair. It sounds vain to even say that out loud, but I'm gonna!!! I love my hair. Who knows, next week we could be on the outs again. But then again, who knows perhaps I've found a relationship that will last.

Tee hee.
I know, I am a dork!


Anonymous said...

Now that's ONE of the major differences between men and women. I would have NEVER have guessed you were agonizing over your hair, because as a man, my only concern is when I HAVE to go to the barber, and whether I can get in with ZERO notice after waiting until the last minute to "git er done." Maybe if I agonized over my hair, people would compliment me as much as they do you, perhaps NOT! Looks great on you.

Erin said...

I totally understand what you're saying about your hair. Many years ago, I told a friend that my hair was my self-concept. She looked at me like I was crazy. But it's true! A bad hair day can ruin my mood faster than anything! Funny. Anyone can make my day by just telling me they love my hair.