Monday, December 29, 2008

Another GREAT one...

When Jack London had his portrait made by the noted San Francisco photographer Arnold Genthe, London began the encounter with effusive praise for the photographic art of his friend and fellow bohemian, Genthe. "you must have a wonderful camera...It must be the best camera in the world...You must show me your camera." Genthe then used his standard studio camera to make what has since become a classic picture of Jack London. When the sitting was finished, Genthe could not contain himself: "I have read your books, Jack, and I think they are important works of art. You must have a wonderful typewriter." - Anonymous

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Friday, December 19, 2008


This puts into words why I am so drawn to the black/white image:

When you photograph people in colour you photograph their clothes. But when you photograph people in B&W you photograph their souls. - Ted Grant

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Friday, December 12, 2008

My Little Elf

I just adore her fun little spirit!

Love it!

Jesus would have been one of the best photographers that ever existed. He was always looking at the beauty of people's souls. In fact Jesus was constantly making pictures of God in people's life by looking at their souls and exposing them to His light. - Francis Bacon

When I work, and in my art, I hold hands with God. - Robert Mapplethorpe

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Nature: To-Go?

This dear child was doing her dead-level best to yank this vine from where it was rooted to take it home with us. She pulled with all her might, yet the plant just wouldn't yield. I thought it was cute. (Yeah, I am sure that's a big surprise...)

Monday, December 8, 2008

The Girl Loves To Play

...and I love to watch her play.

Lil' Cutie

This is my littlest niece at Thanksgiving. She is so precious...but a crafty little stinker. You gotta watch out for this one!


I love the twinkle in her eyes. She was hanging out in her jammies all cute and snuggly.
Could she be any more adorable? Uh, no.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Texas Sunset

These are meant to be shared with someone special! ;)

Lil' Cutie

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Where the Wind Blows Us...

Here are a few pics from an adventurous afternoon with my kiddo. I love spending time with her without a plan in place; just going where the wind blows us. I took a TON of pics, but I thought these were pretty cool. There are lots more I'd like to post, if I ever have enough time.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Flutter By

Isn't there a point where the butterflies aren't around because it is too cold? I keep thinking they should be gone and they just keep popping up. Maybe once the cold gets to the flowers they like so much, I won't be seeing them so often. I sure have enjoyed them this year. I think they are just beautiful.

Art Synergy

My daughter and I made this. We created it together. We used finger paints, lots of fingers, and some paint brushes. It was fun and the end result looks pretty cool to me. We make a good team.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My Bud Fascination Lives On

A Princess Indeed

Once upon a time, there was a little girl who changed the story from a tragedy to a fairy tale. And her name was: Gracyn.

Thankful Giving

Remember the gorgeous chocolate truffles (that looked like pumpkins) that I posted a pic of last month? We used them as thank-you gifts for the most recent event I worked on for the ministry I work with. We found the perfect packaging to create a beautiful presentation for the gift: Chocolate brown linen patterned boxes just the right size for the truffle, fiery orange ribbon printed with the event name and theme and a beautiful thank you card that attached underneath. They turned out for beautifully with our theme and the decor of the event. And we got it all for AMAZING prices! Woo hoo!

Beyond all of the aesthetics (which were pretty great, I must admit) the event was a huge success. The whole point of it was being thankful and spreading that by giving to others. Our married couples completely blew me away with their generosity. It was such a blessing to me to be a part of this event. I am so blessed to be able to witness how incredible the people at Fellowship Church truly are. Cheerful givers indeed. Thank you God.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


What is it about sun rays coming through clouds that makes me think of God?? It happens every time.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Egret, Heron, Crane... Anyone?

Anyone know what this big ol' bird is exactly?

More Randomness

Melatonin. On occasion, I take it so I can get to sleep at night without feeling drugged in the morning. I think too much and sometimes at night I cannot get my brain to shut up. I have this tiny little jar that a necklace pendant came in that was a symbol for friend (thus the label on the jar.) I actually have several little jars from other pendants made by the same company. At some point I thought that this little jar was the perfect size for the melatonin, so that I could keep it near my bed. I never realized which jar with which label I had put them in until the other day, when I was VERY randomly taking pictures around the house. I took this pic just fooling around with angles, lighting etc...when I downloaded it and actually really looked at it, it made me laugh. How many people truly would call their "pills" (whatever they may be), their "friend"?! Sad but true. Made for an interest pic, I think, despite how truly randomly it was birthed.

Mr. Mallard

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Beautiful Mystery

I have been noticing lately that I have a thing for deep dark eyes. Maybe it is because they are so different than mine. Maybe it is that sparkle that reflects off of them so brightly. My daughter has really dark eyes. They are beautiful. They are powerful. Even in the sparkle of the dark eye, there is mystery. They always leave you wondering. I tend to like that a bit. I've been playing with pics and editing. Today I focused on the eyes. I love them. It is amazing to me how much you can get from just eyes. These are some of my favorite eyes. Aren't they precious?
(Bear with me as I go through my little know, like bees, butterflies, eyes, etc...I am exploring.)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Prayer for Miami

This picture was taken last year when I went to Miami with our high school students on a mission trip. It was taken the first night we were there. We went out to where we could see the Miami city skyline along the water and we all took time to pray over the city that we were there to impact for Christ. Two of the girls actually went into the water and stood there praying together. This shot of that moment has always moved me. I can't really say what it is about what you see here that touches me so deeply, but this totally captured it for me. I used a few software tools to artistically alter/enhance how the moment is burned in my mind blended with what I caught with my camera. This is it. I hope you too are moved by it.