Thursday, August 7, 2008


"No one overcomes the corruptions of his heart except by the enabling strength of the Spirit of God"
--Jerry Bridges

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The corruptions of the heart are "easily" overcome by following God's prescription. When you LEARN to immmediately take EACH & EVERY transgression of the Will of God to Him in repentence, you will be amazed at the results. It is these transgressions that we try to make go away with a "summary confession" such as, "forgive us of sll our sins," that we find repeated & repeated, because we have not experienced or expressed the "Godly Sorrow" that comes from taking them to Him in a sorrowful sense reflecting the knowledge that we have saddened Him and in the process damaged the relationship we have with Him by carrying His Son's Name in the world, and CONTINUING to exhibit the same behavior time after time. Having to take EACH & EVERY sin to Him in contritness of spirit, WILL put a stop to it sooner rather than later. Want to have ongoing sin squeezed out of your life? Take EACH & EVERY sin, no matter how small you consider it to be, to Him IMMEDIATELY in repentence. Believe me, you will not be able to continue to have a problem with that sin. Don't have time? Too bad for you, tell that to Him!