Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Beautiful Mystery

I have been noticing lately that I have a thing for deep dark eyes. Maybe it is because they are so different than mine. Maybe it is that sparkle that reflects off of them so brightly. My daughter has really dark eyes. They are beautiful. They are powerful. Even in the sparkle of the dark eye, there is mystery. They always leave you wondering. I tend to like that a bit. I've been playing with pics and editing. Today I focused on the eyes. I love them. It is amazing to me how much you can get from just eyes. These are some of my favorite eyes. Aren't they precious?
(Bear with me as I go through my little know, like bees, butterflies, eyes, etc...I am exploring.)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Prayer for Miami

This picture was taken last year when I went to Miami with our high school students on a mission trip. It was taken the first night we were there. We went out to where we could see the Miami city skyline along the water and we all took time to pray over the city that we were there to impact for Christ. Two of the girls actually went into the water and stood there praying together. This shot of that moment has always moved me. I can't really say what it is about what you see here that touches me so deeply, but this totally captured it for me. I used a few software tools to artistically alter/enhance how the moment is burned in my mind blended with what I caught with my camera. This is it. I hope you too are moved by it.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Family Tree

It is really great having Gracyn grow up in the same house that I did. One of the best reasons for that is the park that is just across the street. I spent a lot of time at that park as a child. It isn't your typical park either. It is HUGE with many, many acres of woods and trails (my favorite part). It also has a great playground, a duck pond with a fountain, stunning flower gardens, wooden bridges, sports fields, wide open grassy areas, pavilions, concerts, etc... One of the "anchors" of this park is a lone tree right in the middle of the biggest grassy area that is in the very middle of the park. I played on this tree as a child. My grandma (and many others) took me to this special tree. I played on its branches for many years. I loved that tree. So on one of my many outings to the park with Gracyn, I took her to this tree as well. She played there just like I did when I was a kid. It is really cool to see your own child fall in love with one of the things you so treasured as a child too. I quickly snapped some pics of her with this amazing tree. The tree has lost its youth over the years (and a few main branches), but it is still there like the anchor that holds this park firm. I love these pics, especially seeing Gracyn play at this tree like I used to do. It is like being three years old again. Yet, it is all the more special because I get to enjoy it all over again through the eyes of my daughter. Really pretty cool!

Ahh ahh achooo!

I thought these were beautiful, but my allergies have been off the chart since my outing. Perhaps I sniffed one too many flowers this weekend. But, it was so worth it. They were gorgeous, and since the weather is changing, it may have just been the last opportunity this year to see them at their peak. Enjoy!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

It's Time!

This is such a great time of year. I love the colors and the fun things to do. Gracyn's school had their Fall Festival this past Thursday. It was a lot of fun. She was a cat....with attitude. Then this weekend we found a pumpkin patch (well, kind of...It was actually the local mom-and-pop produce store) to take some pictures and have some Fall fun together. It's been a great week.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Gracyn and I went adventuring today. That's our word for going out into the great outdoors with no plan but to see what we can find and what God puts on our path. It is a BLAST! We had the coolest day together. She and I have very similar spirits, in that we love to explore. We love to get deep into nature and see and find what others never take the time to find and discover. She is hands-on, just like me. She has an "off the trail" spirit like her mom. We had a grand time today. Here are some of my favorite pics of her from our day out and about.

The Dance of the Lizards

As I was out yesterday on my lunch break, I found these two lizards. They were acting particularly strange. I wasn't sure if they were about to engage in a rumble or if they were about to "engage". They were doing strange things: bobbing their heads up and down repeatedly at one another, circling around and around one another, and one even jumped at the other and bit it on the leg, then backed off quickly. It was a very Discovery Channel moment. Pretty cool to watch in person though. And they were so engrossed in whatever the process was that they completely ignored my intruding presence. So, I thought I'd share a pic of these two. (It also made me think of a friend's daughter who shares a nickname with these critters...) ;)


See, I know that I am not the only one who can see the wings. I've called her my angel since then moment I knew she existed. Now, here's visual proof of her "angel-ness." (As if any proof was needed if you've ever met her.) ;) I love this pic...a little angel in leopard print. Ha. Too much!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Beautiful Simplicity

I LOVE THIS. The natural light, the shadow casted upon the rock, the single bloom. The surrounding area was shady and a burst of sunlight came through the tree tops like a spotlight on this overhanging flower. It was quite a scene. Serene and breathtaking. Maybe it is just me...but I see beauty in this picture, the way it is most purest simplicity. This may be one of my all-time favorites.

Pic of the Day

This is a fascinating hanging cable bridge. The destination it leads to is under construction, so even the bridge itself is off limits. I hope someday to be able to make the trek across it. It leads to somewhere even more fascinating to me than the bridge itself. If the construction ever gets completed, I'll make sure to post the details.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Another Flutter-By...

This little butterfly was very trusting and cooperative (or blind). She let me get really pretty close and she just went about her business as if I weren't there at all. If you click on the image you can really get a good look at her.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I absolutely love this kid. Isn't she just precious? I could just eat her up.

All In a Day's Work...

Aren't these gorgeous? I love the research I have to do sometimes for my job. Finding great chocolate is such fun. I will sample these truffles know to make sure they are up to our standards. ;) LOL.

Anyway, I just thought these were beautiful and the whole picture totally gets me in the mood for the upcoming holidays. I love this time of year. So many many things to be thankful being this amazing job.

I'll let you guys know how incredible these taste tomorrow. And if anyone is interested I'll tell you where you can get them.

Friday, October 10, 2008


I have seen these babies EVERYWHERE! I love it when the monarchs are passing through. This is not my best pic of them, but it is the only one I have access to on this computer. I couldn't get close enough to her to get a crisp picture because of where she landed. So this is the one you get...for now. I got some amazing pics of some monarchs at the Butterfly Exhibit at the fair. This one was taken in Grapevine. Isn't she pretty? I'll try to post some of the ones from the fair soon.

After the Rain

Don't you love the way it feels just after it rains? Everything is a bit cooler, crisper, and cleaner. I love it. I love the way it feels and smells. Earlier this week, I visited one of my local "nature" stops right after a morning rain shower. You could almost hear the surrounding plants and wildlife saying, "Ahhh!" The plant life seemed more lush and the critters were out and about. I took this picture of a butterfly (more likely a moth) sitting on an elephant ear surrounded by droplets left by the rain. I wasn't sure if he was just enjoying the coolness after the rain or if I interrupted him taking a refreshing drink. Either way, I enjoyed this picture. It captured the moment quite nicely. Crisp, clean, wet morning in God's creation. Totally refreshing.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Here is one of my favorite places. This bench faces a little stream that has a slight decline and turns right in front of this bench. It is shaded and surrounded by trees, plants of all kinds, and beautiful flowers. But the sounds of the babbling, trickling water makes it a place that I simply cannot resist. I come here for renewal and relaxation. It is one of those experiences that washes away the residue of worry and stress that accumulates within my spirit. It is a great place to just "be." But it is also a great place to stop and eat lunch or read my Bible or any other book I am reading. It is serene and I look forward to and anticipate my visits. Ahhhh!
Thought I'd share it's beauty with you.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Three At Last, Three At Last

Another year has gone. My little angel turned 3 years old on Saturday. The time goes by so incredibly fast. It is a joy to watch her grow; she fills my days with such happiness. Yet, there is also a sad ache in my heart knowing that time just won't slow down for us. That is why I try to savor each and every little thing I can. I record her laughter. I take pictures like a wild woman. I play "horseys" with her. I color with her. I take her on walks and show her the joys of nature and God's creation. I pray with her. I hide under the covers with her. We whisper silly secrets together. Some days looking at her is like looking into a mirror. Other days she is nothing short of alien to me. We are so alike and yet so different. She is the most precious little girl: full of energy and spunk, yet she has one of the sweetest little spirits I've ever known. She has a HUGE heart and loves everyone she meets. She gives hugs and kisses indiscriminately. Her sweet little voice could melt even the hardest heart. But she grows up a little more everyday and I know these days will be gone in an instant. Her growing up is bittersweet, as all parents know. But I thank God everyday for the gift of Gracyn. She is such a blessing. God uses her everyday to touch my heart and to teach me the most amazing things. She lives life fully. FULLY! Through her I am learning to savor each moment and live life FULLY, not missing any of the big or little wonders. Like flowers, baby animals, slides, hard-as-you-can hugs, laughter, running, curls, frosting, clouds, and I could go on and on. She teaches me as much or more than I teach her. She is the epitome and love, innocence, silliness, and energy wrapped up in a little button-nosed, golden-curled, brown-eyed angel.

Thank you God for the BEST three years of my life. I eagerly anticipate what joy the fourth year will bring. Thank you God for sharing one of your angels with me. I AM MOST BLESSED!