Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Here is one of my favorite places. This bench faces a little stream that has a slight decline and turns right in front of this bench. It is shaded and surrounded by trees, plants of all kinds, and beautiful flowers. But the sounds of the babbling, trickling water makes it a place that I simply cannot resist. I come here for renewal and relaxation. It is one of those experiences that washes away the residue of worry and stress that accumulates within my spirit. It is a great place to just "be." But it is also a great place to stop and eat lunch or read my Bible or any other book I am reading. It is serene and I look forward to and anticipate my visits. Ahhhh!
Thought I'd share it's beauty with you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I envy you having the opportunity to stop at this place and decompress. My lunch stops do not have the peaceful environ you have. God has blessed you in this.