Monday, October 6, 2008

Three At Last, Three At Last

Another year has gone. My little angel turned 3 years old on Saturday. The time goes by so incredibly fast. It is a joy to watch her grow; she fills my days with such happiness. Yet, there is also a sad ache in my heart knowing that time just won't slow down for us. That is why I try to savor each and every little thing I can. I record her laughter. I take pictures like a wild woman. I play "horseys" with her. I color with her. I take her on walks and show her the joys of nature and God's creation. I pray with her. I hide under the covers with her. We whisper silly secrets together. Some days looking at her is like looking into a mirror. Other days she is nothing short of alien to me. We are so alike and yet so different. She is the most precious little girl: full of energy and spunk, yet she has one of the sweetest little spirits I've ever known. She has a HUGE heart and loves everyone she meets. She gives hugs and kisses indiscriminately. Her sweet little voice could melt even the hardest heart. But she grows up a little more everyday and I know these days will be gone in an instant. Her growing up is bittersweet, as all parents know. But I thank God everyday for the gift of Gracyn. She is such a blessing. God uses her everyday to touch my heart and to teach me the most amazing things. She lives life fully. FULLY! Through her I am learning to savor each moment and live life FULLY, not missing any of the big or little wonders. Like flowers, baby animals, slides, hard-as-you-can hugs, laughter, running, curls, frosting, clouds, and I could go on and on. She teaches me as much or more than I teach her. She is the epitome and love, innocence, silliness, and energy wrapped up in a little button-nosed, golden-curled, brown-eyed angel.

Thank you God for the BEST three years of my life. I eagerly anticipate what joy the fourth year will bring. Thank you God for sharing one of your angels with me. I AM MOST BLESSED!


Jeff said...

You are certainly VERY blessed to have your angel. Those of us who are close to Gracyn are extremely blessed as well. She IS so full of life and I love her SO much. She is most definitely growing up fast...and I know that is joyful to watch and yet difficult as well. Continue to snap those pictures, record video, etc so that you will always be able to go back and look at them. Thank you for sharing your precious angel with us!! :)

Anonymous said...

Once again, here I am up in the "front row." Best seats in the house, given to me by God Himself. I will be eternally grateful for having been Dad and Pawpaw to the two of you. Hold on tight, the ride will get bumpy at times, but will ALWAYS be worth the candy.